wa’s best men’s transformation retreat.

Over 400 men have made the leap!

reclamation retreat

margaret river

29 Nov - 1 Dec 2024

Immersed off-grid in nature on powerful country where the forest meets the sea.

This is for males who WANT to step into their greatness.

for men striving to be better leaders and role models.

we guide you through initiation pathways that transform you deeply.

Physical, mental, emotional work, COMRADRY, and TONNES OF FUN.

If you are ready to truly level up in all areas of life then - we welcome you.

If you are unsure, wishy-washy and non-committal, then here is your chance to lean into the unknown and rediscover what it means to be powerful.

have Questions? book a call.

Ready to grow? book your place.

“How did you feel when you arrived at the Retreat?”

Here what a few of the brothers said at the last retreat.

“How do you feel leaving the retreat?”

Here what a few of the brothers said at the last retreat.

“How would you describe the experience in one sentence?”

Here what a few of the brothers said at the last retreat.

retreat info:

  • Led by Shaun Kay, Zach Manero, Nicco Loiacono, James Moran

    Breathwork, adventure games, deep ecology, sweat lodge, sauna/ice baths, physical movement, ritual combat, masculine alchemy, and lots more guaranteed.

    Meals are a blend of group meals coordinated by us, cooked by your group + catered.

  • Pre, during and post education.

    This is a high level quality learning program integrated through Carve Leadership Training post retreat.

    Understand masculine/feminine dynamics, communication skills, integrate trauma, build a solid vision, connect to purpose, discover your gifts and powerful story etc.

  • 101 acres of pristine country in Metricup.

    Self-camping: you bring your set-up.

    Glamping: set-up is done for you.

    *showers, toilets, kitchen, main workshop room + incredible ecological property.

  • Stay options:

    Early bird until November 1st:

    Camping + retreat $900.

    Glamping solo + retreat $1200.

    Full price until November 28th:

    Camping + retreat $1100.

    Glamping solo + retreat $1400.

    Cottages available upon request.

  • Check-in Thurs 28th 5:00pm

    Start Friday 29th 9:00am

    Finish time, latest 12:00pm Sunday 1st

retreat is built on the foundation of being deeply immersed in nature and the elements.

we combine ancient wisdom, human behavioural science, and masculine alchemy.

This empowers every man to be the hero of his own story.

and we have a shit tonne of fun!!!!

You also have the opportunity to continue learning and evolving as a man with our post-retreat online training CARVE Leadership Program.

Spots are limited, pre-book your place in Carve now.



Shaun Kay is our Founder, a natural leader, born and bred in country WA, ex-school teacher, a poetic storyteller, highly attuned facilitator, and a shamanic guide who integrates many lineages that ignite transformation and awaken human potential. Retreat leader practitioner with over 25 retreats under his belt, 7 News Young Achiever of the Year winner, highly attuned mentor and current student of Q’ero shamanism.

Ready to help you evolve into leadership!

Shaun has helped thousands of men over the last decade to rise into higher levels of physical, mental and emotional well-being.


  • Nicco

    Retreat Leader | Breathworker | Sound Healer | Gardener


    Haka | Energy Work | Maori Teacher | Ancestral Medicine

  • Seamus


    Jack of all Trades | Irish Wizard | Men’s Work Leader


Over the last 5 years, we have impacted over 1000 men with our retreats and events. Here’s what some of the brothers have to say.

book now


We have epic land for camping in your own BYO set-up with access to showers, toilets, and kitchen. Make sure you’re under the stars!

flexible payment options.


Stay extra warm and snug with a pre-made boho glamping tent just for you or share with a mate/son, including full venue access and all amenities.

flexible payment options.

Fill in the form

We will be in contact within 48 hours with payment info.

pillars of this work.


    Building your connection to self, others and nature is paramount for men. We cultivate the ability to remain unshakably grounded through any of life’s storms by having a consistent feeling of support and calm with. Being seen, heard and held in the company of other men is gold.


    We expand and grow through meeting our edges and discovering the innate strength of our own inner warrior. Combining physical, mental and emotional rituals to test and integrate our primal power. Together we embrace the tests that lead to rich new learnings.


    Awareness is the doorway to transformation. In the company of other men we accept responsibilty and take ownership of our story. We lead tailored self-inquiry so that you have the tools to take action and be the hero of your own story. Purpose, passion and practice makes a better man.

take the plunge.

Every RETREAT is embedded with high-level facilitation of our favourite modalities, such as, Men’s Work, breathwork, ice-baths, music, primal movement, Qi-Gong and lots more…

To connect with our team for a free chat, hit the link below.


*Minimum of 4 leaders at every RETREAT experience.




RETREATS are for men who are interested in developing a deeper understanding of healthy masculinity in their lives through the connection and witness of other men and brother. Retreat is designed as a "multi-faceted" retreat that offers physical, emotional, intellectual, and relational experiences.

how is this different to other men’s events?

Our Retreat experience is 30-40 man container that ignites an intimate dynamic through experiencing the weekend together as an entire group.

We bring together a high calibre team of facilitators to guide a community of men who often say they have never done such deep work alongside other brothers.

what happens on retreat?

We connect, form relationships, make eye contact, wrestle, express our truths, eat really good food together, hike, dance and stoke the flame of brotherhood.

To learn more about RETREAT, enroll and find out what it means to you!

what’s the time frame?

Every Retreat is a 72hr experience that begins on Thursday afternoon and ends on Sunday afternoon. Exact times and location are communicated in the Welcome email after registering.

will their be photos/videos taken?

We capture photo & video on our weekends to help normalize healthy masculinity. We have a consent discussion with all participants on our weekends and honor any man's choice to not be photographed or filmed. 

join men’s chat group

Stay connected to community and access free support, learning and networking within brotherhood.


Are you wanting more specific tailor made support and accountability? To evolve into embodied masculinity… you need structure! Book a free call to learn more.